Friday 29 January 2016

Springbreak's on!

So, in one weeks time I will be swimming in the caribbean sea and enjoying the beautiful weather whilst exploring the island. I am still sooooooo excited and almost readily prepared. The only thing that is left  is my clothes shopping. As the Austrian post didn't deliver my h&m order, just because my name wasn't on the freaking doorbell (even though I have received deliveries at this address before)  and sent it back, I had to reorder everything. grrr - this is so annoying! But guess who's name is on the doorbell now - right, it's mine :) and I hope to get my stuff in time.

my delicious start into springbreak

But the spare week before my flight next week is a great possibility to reflect on the last semester (while I am waiting for my h&m haul to arrive of course). And I have to admit, that I really love what I am doing now. It seems to be just the right thing for me combining theoretical lectures with creative ones and they make us apply the knowledge in practical classes right away, so to really check if we understand everything. Someone really had thought through the content of this course and done a great job.  I can't wait to be back in march and learn some new exciting stuff :)

Cheers, guys! 

Have a great weekend, 